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About me

Hi, I am Arshia! So glad to have you here on my page x. Well, what shall I write that will give you a brief introduction about myself? Haha, trust me introducing oneself is not as easy as it seems.

For starters, I believe in simplicity yet admire the fancies of life.

A philosophical connoisseur, who likes to read books on life in its entirety. A personality so vibrant and chirpy (I would like to believe so *eye rolls*) yet chaotic. I prefer Nutella over peanut butter.  A believer in the fact that life is better with a plate of pancakes and who doesn't rejoice in some toppings (Cranberries, whipped cream and chocolate ganache to be specific). I love to dance for it increases my dopamine levels and sets my soul in rhythm.  I like reading some books and love reading even fewer. Indian history intrigues me which encompasses invasions, royalty and the colonial period. A rom-com enthusiast who loves all things romantic. For now its enough , I guess ; would prolly improvise after finding something new to like 

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